On Thursday, 6 August 2015 at 21:17:15 UTC, 岩倉 澪 wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 08:35:10 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
// in real app use `receiveTimeout` to do useful stuff until
    // result message is received
    auto output = receiveOnly!(immutable(Bar)[]);

New question: how would I receive a immutable value with receiveTimeout? I need the results from my worker thread outside of the delegate that receiveTimeout takes.

Also: what is the best way to kill off the worker thread when I close the application, without having to wait for the worker thread to complete? My first thought was to use receiveTimeout in the worker thread, but the work is being done in a parallel foreach loop, and I am not sure if there is a way to safely use receiveTimeout in a parallel situation... I also found Thread.isDaemon in core.thread. I tried doing auto thread = Thread.getThis(); thread.isDaemon = true; at the start of the worker thread, but it still seems to wait for it to complete before closing.

Thanks again!

receiveTimeout can be used like this:

void main()

    writeln("Waiting for a message");
    bool received = false;
    while (!received) {
        received = receiveTimeout(600.msecs,
(string message) { // <=== Receiving a value writeln("received: ", message);

        if (!received) {
            writeln("... no message yet");

            /* ... other operations may be executed here ... */
(cf. http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/concurrency.html)

To stop threads immediately, I've found that the best way is to use a shared variable, typically a bool, that is changed only in one place. I hope I'll find the time on Monday to post a simple example.

1. shared bool ABORT;
3.// in owner thread
4. ABORT = true;  // The only place where you do this.
5. bool res;
6. while ((res = receiveOnly!bool()) == false) { debug writeln("waiting for abort ..."); }

// in worker thread(s)

foreach ()
  if (ABORT)
  // working away
// ...

If you have more than one thread to abort, you'll have to adapt lines 5 and 6 accordingly.

Unfortunately, sending an abort message to a thread as in `send(thread, true)` takes too long. Setting a global flag like ABORT is instantaneous. Beware of data races though. You might want to have a look at:


Especially `synchronized` and atomicOp.

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