On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 15:55:33 UTC, Chris wrote:
To stop threads immediately, I've found that the best way is to use a shared variable, typically a bool, that is changed only in one place.
Unfortunately, sending an abort message to a thread as in `send(thread, true)` takes too long. Setting a global flag like ABORT is instantaneous. Beware of data races though. You might want to have a look at:


Especially `synchronized` and atomicOp.

Ah, I already had a variable like ABORT in my application for signaling the main thread to close, so this was a surprisingly painless change! I made that variable shared and then did the following:

instead of
    ABORT = true;
I now do
    import core.atomic;
    atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(ABORT, true);
and instead of
    if(ABORT) break;
I now do
    import core.atomic;
    if(atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(ABORT)) break;

This works great, and with the memory ordering specified I do not see a noticeable difference in performance, whereas with the default memory ordering my ~36 second processing takes ~38 seconds.

One concern I had was that `break` might be a bad idea inside of a parallel foreach. Luckily, it seems that the author(s) of std.parallelism thought of this - according to the documentation break inside of a parallel foreach throws an exception and some clever exception handling is done under the hood. I don't see an uncaught exception when I close my application, but it is now able to close without having to wait for the worker thread to complete, so everything seems fine and dandy! Thanks for the help!

On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 15:55:33 UTC, Chris wrote:
receiveTimeout can be used like this: ...

My problem is that when you do this:

        received = receiveTimeout(600.msecs,
(string message) { // <=== Receiving a value writeln("received: ", message);

"message" is local to the delegate that receiveTimeout takes.
I want to use "message" outside of the delegate in the receiving thread. However, if you send an immutable value from the worker thread, afaict there would be no way to assign it to a global/outer variable without making a mutable copy (expensive!) I haven't really spent much time trying to pass my "message" as mutable via shared yet, but hopefully that could work...

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