On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 19:26:12 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 19:13:55 UTC, D_Learner wrote:
I was wondering how I could change the code below such the `bmBc` is computed at compile time .

It is currently not possible to build an associative array at compile time and keep it as a runtime table due to the implementation.

However, looking at your code, you don't need a full AA... the key is a single char, right?

Do something like this:

int[128] bmBc = calculate(); // ....

And then a line like this should work to set it in the calculate function:

    bmBc[pattern[i]] = i-1;

Adjust this code to fit you:

int[128] a = calc();
enum string pattern = "abc";

int[128] calc() {
        int[128] a; // local copy to work on as we build
        a[pattern[0]] = 0;
        return a; // return the completed table

This works because individual characters have a numeric value. If they are all A-Z, you can easily fit them in a small array and access them even faster than an associative array (doesn't even have to be full size 128 if the only keys are the letters).

And these can be built at CTFE and stored in the program's data segment.

Thanks, the 128 is fine since I was considering the whole ASCII character set . I was a bit skeptical of writing the code in that manor though since I have to still compare runtime and compiletime implementation performance(benchmarks ). That is why my code seemed to mimic templating . Maybe the question would then be, how do I force this function to be fully executed at compiletime and later make it be executed at runntime ?

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