On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 19:54:18 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 19:13:55 UTC, D_Learner wrote:

I think you may have some fundamental misunderstandings regarding CTFE, templates, etc. Your code seems to be half-way between a template-based and a CTFE-based solution.

The simple way to do compile-time computation in D is CTFE (Compile Time Function Evaluation). That is, you write a pure function that can be evaluated both at run-time and at compile-time. CTFE doesn't need template parameters.

Here's some code that should do the same as yours and is compatible with CTFE:

import std.conv: to;
import std.stdio;

int[char] calculatebmBc(string pattern) pure
    const int size = to!int(pattern.length);
    int[char] result;

    foreach(i; 0 .. size - 1)
        result[pattern[i]] = to!int(size - i - 1);

    return result;

void main()
    auto bmBc = calculatebmBc("GCAGAGAG");
    enum bmBcTable = calculatebmBc("GCAGAGAG");

The key is that calculatebmBc is pure, i.e. it doesn't read or write any module-level mutables.

I touched some things here and here I didn't like that are not related to purity/CTFE.

Adam D. Ruppe already mentioned an issue with associative arrays: This doesn't work:
static foo = calculatebmBc("GCAGAGAG");
It's annoying, but if you need that you have to use some other data structure. See Adam's post.

Thanks so much for the advice, it works fine. Just experimented with the code . I had no idea about it. My mind had the some pre-occupation that compile-time execution is only achievable through templates. Had no idea about pure functions...awesone , code. Thanks again for the clear explanation.

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