On 08/31/2015 08:55 PM, WhatMeWorry wrote:

> Thanks for all the above suggestions, but after many hour of re-reading
> Ali's book on template, structs, and mixins, I still in the woods.  I've
> tried two approaches:
> ================ Templatetized struct ================================
> struct Chameleon(T, Purpose p)
> {
>      static if (p == Purpose.POSITIONAL)
>      {
>          struct Positional { T  x, y, z; }
>      }
>      else static if (p == Purpose.COLOR)
>      {
>          struct Color_No_Alpha { T  r, g, b; }
>      }
> };

(Aside: You don't need that semicolon in D.)

So, you have a struct template that contains another struct type, either a Positional or a Color_No_Alpha.

Note that the outer struct has no members at all: It merely defines two struct types. I can do the following but I don't think it's what you want:

auto x = Chameleon!(float, Purpose.POSITIONAL).Positional(1.5, 2.5, 3.5);

> struct VertexData
> {
>      Chameleon!(float, purpose.POSITIONAL)  position;
>      Chameleon!(float, purpose.COLOR)  color;
> }

You have a couple of typos there: purpose should be capitalized. However, I see that you had the following in your original code:

Purpose purpose;

// ...

    Chameleon!(float, purpose.POSITIONAL)  position;

I am surprised that it works! Must be a "feature". ;) The common thing to do is to remove the 'purpose' variable and use the enum type directly:

enum Purpose { /* ... */ }

// ...

    Chameleon!(float, Purpose.POSITIONAL)  position;

> alias Vert = VertexData;


> alias Pos = VertexData.position;
> alias RGB = VertexData.color;

Those two don't make sense because both .position and .color are member variables. If you did the following, then we would be talking about the types of those members:

alias Pos = typeof(VertexData.position);
alias RGB = typeof(VertexData.color);

> VertexData[] vertices =
> [
> VertexData( Pos(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), RGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) // Compiler error
> ];

However, that won't work because Chameleon does not have any members.

The same with the mixin template...

I am copying my earlier code with a couple of aliases to make closer to yours:


struct Chameleon(T, Purpose p)
    static if (p == Purpose.POSITIONAL) {
        T  x, y, z;
    } else static if (p == Purpose.COLOR_ONLY) {
        T  r, g, b;
    } else {
        static assert(false, "Not yet supported");

alias Pos = Chameleon!(float, Purpose.POSITIONAL);
alias Color = Chameleon!(float, Purpose.COLOR_ONLY);

struct VertexData
    Pos position;
    Color color;

alias Vert = VertexData;

VertexData[] vertices =
    Vert(Pos(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

void main()


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