On Wednesday, 9 September 2015 at 13:17:53 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Yes, I get that. But how does that work when you're linking to a C++ library and the translation of the C++ class to D is an interface? Or is it possible now to link D classes directly with C classes?

Classes and templates except for special members (which are usually relied upon heavily in C++ code, but maybe your C++ code is unusual).

I realize I can do it myself when I sit down this weekend and start exploring it, but I'm hoping someone can point me to a blog post, some sample code, or just give me some insights to save time.

You can see bugzilla issues marked with C++ keyword. The docs were deemed unworthy because of skills required to write C++ bindings. Maybe because it's still not practical as it doesn't support critical C++ idioms like RAII.

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