On Friday, 11 September 2015 at 19:27:49 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Friday, 11 September 2015 at 17:29:47 UTC, Prudence wrote:
I don't care about "maybe" working. Since the array is hidden inside a class I can control who and how it is used and deal with the race conditions.

You could use __gshared instead of shared. It means put it in non-tls storage, just like shared, but the compiler will not attempt to help you use it correctly; you're on your own for synchronization, etc.

What I want is to be able to use Array so I don't have to rely on the GC.

But, again, built-in slices do NOT rely on the GC. Only specific methods on them do and you can use your own implementation for them.


Can you back up this claim? Not saying your lying, I'd just like to know it's true for a fact?

Ho wan you use "specific methods"? Do you mean I do not use new to allocate and use malloc(more or less)?

In that case, am I not essentially just re-creating Array? Obviously I can write my own array type and I can even write my own compiler, but that's no that the point, is it?

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