On Monday, 14 September 2015 at 12:44:22 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen wrote:
Sounds like this program is actually IO bound. In that case I would not expect a really expect an improvement by using D. What is the CPU usage like when you run this program?

Also which dmd version are you using. I think there were some performance improvements for file reading in the latest version (2.068)

Hi Edwin, thanks for your quick reply!

I'm using v2.068.1; I actually got inspired to try this out after skimming the changelog :).

Regarding if it is IO-bound. I actually expected it would be, but both the Python and the D-version consume 100% CPU while running, and just copying the file around only takes a few seconds (cf 15-20 sec in runtime for the two programs). There's bound to be some aggressive file caching going on, but I figure that would rather normalize program runtimes at lower times after running them a few times, but I see nothing indicating that.

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