On Monday, 14 September 2015 at 13:10:50 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen wrote:
Two things that you could try:

First hitlists.byKey can be expensive (especially if hitlists is big). Instead use:

foreach( key, value ; hitlists )

Also the filter.array.length is quite expensive. You could use count instead.
import std.algorithm : count;
value.count!(h => h.pid >= (max_pid - max_pid_diff));

I didn't know that hitlists.byKey was that expensive, that's just the kind of feedback I was hoping for. I'm just grasping for straws in the online documentation when I want to do things. With my Python background it feels as if I can still get things that work that way.

I realize the filter.array.length thing is indeed expensive. I find it especially horrendous that the code I've written needs to allocate a big dynamic array that will most likely be cut down quite drastically in this step. Unfortunately I haven't figured out a good way to do this without storing the intermediary results since I cannot know if there might be yet another hit for any encountered "query" since the input file might not be sorted. But the main reason I didn't just count the values like you suggest is actually that I need the filtered hits in later downstream analysis. The filtered hits for each query are used as input to a lowest common ancestor algorithm on the taxonomic tree (of life).

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