On Monday, 14 September 2015 at 08:57:07 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Monday, 14 September 2015 at 00:53:58 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
So, while the fact that D's GC is less than stellar is certainly a problem, and we would definitely like to improve that, the idioms that D code typically uses seriously reduce the number of performance problems that we get.

What D needs is some way for a static analyzer to be certain that a pointer does not point to a specific GC heap. And that means language changes... one way or the other.

Without language changes it becomes very difficult to reduce the amount of memory scanned without sacrificing memory safety.

Personally, when I make a strong claim about something and find that I am wrong (the claim that D needs to scan every pointer), I take a step back and consider my view rather than pressing harder. It's beautiful to be wrong because through recognition of error, growth. If recognition.

And I don't think a concurrent GC is realistic given the complexity and performance penalties. The same people who complain about GC would not accept performance hits on pointer-writes. That would essentially make D and Go too similar IMO.

Given one was written by one (very smart) student for his PhD thesis, and that as I understand it that formed the basis of Sociomantic's concurrent garbage collector (correct me if I am wrong), and that this is being ported to D2, and whether or not it is released, success will spur others to follow - it strikes me as a problematic claim to make that developing one isn't realistic unless one is deeply embedded in the nitty gritty of the problem (because theory and practice are more different in practice than they are in theory!) There is etcimon's work too (at research stage).

Don't underestimate too how future corporate support combined with an organically growing community may change what's possible. Andy Smith gave his talk based on his experience at one of the largest and well-run hedge funds. An associate who sold a decent sized marketing group got in contact to thank me for posting links on D as it helped him implement a machine-learning problem better. And if I look at what's in front of me, I really am not aware of a better solution to the needs I have, which I am pretty sure are needs that are more generally shared - corporate inertia may be a nuisance but it is also a source of opportunity for others.

In response to your message earlier where you suggested that Sociomantic was an edge case of little relevance for the rest of us. I made that point in response to the claim that D had no place for such purposes. It's true that being able to do something doesn't mean it is a good idea, but really having seen them speak and looked at the people they hire, I really would be surprised if they do not know what they are doing. (I would say the same if they had never been bought). And they say that using D has significantly lowered their costs compared to their competitors. It's what I have been finding, too, dealing with data sets that are for now by no means 'big' but will be soon enough.

It's also a human group phenomenon that it's very difficult to do something for the first time, and the more people that follow, the easier it is for others. So the edge case of yesteryear shall be the best practice of the future. One sees this also with allocators, where Andrei's library is already beginning to be integrated in different projects. I had never even heard of D two years ago and had approaching a twenty year break from doing a lot of programming. But they weren't difficult to pick up and use effectively.

Clearly, latency and performance hits are different things, and the category of people who care about performance is only a partial intersection of those who care about latency.

Part of what I do involves applying the principle of contrarian thinking, and I can say that it is very useful, and not just in the investment world:

On the other hand, there is also the phenomenon of just being contrary. One sometimes has the impression that some people like to argue for the sake of it. Nothing wrong with that, provided one understands the situation. Poking holes at things without taking any positive steps to fix them is understandable for people that haven't a choice about their situation, but in my experience is rarely effective in making the world better.
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              • Re:... Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
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              • Re:... Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
              • Re:... Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d-learn
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