On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 at 03:17:05 UTC, Meta wrote:
Considering Father defines the function `int eat()` and Daughter defines the completely different function `int eat(int)`, it doesn't surprise me. You're not using virtual dispatch when you do `return super.eat` or `d.Father.eat()`, you're delegating the method call to the base class.

Yeah... I guess I was expecting it to overload across class boundaries. I mean there's already a member eat in base class and sub class can't override that since it's got different parameters, and it's a function (can't be variable), so the reasonable thing would be to overload it (which is why I tried override to see if it forces/hints overriding/overloading). Instead it creates two ambiguous names of which only one has to be disambiguated to use which seems super error prone. IMO it should just be error/warning.

Given that, normally properties are just overloaded methods in D, it's pretty sad classes break this behavior/convention.

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