I'm using the std.regex API as part of Linux GUI grep utility I'm trying to create. I've got the GUI going fine using gtkd, the code to iterate over files (wow that was succinct in D, very impressive!), and getting matches via regex using the matchAll function.

I'm stuck though on how to get the start/end index of a match? Looking at RegexMatch, I don't see an obvious way to get this? I'll admit that coming from Java I'm not very comfortable with the Range concept in D, however I read the Range and Regex D documentation as well as Andrei's article on ranges referenced in the docs and I'm still not seeing what I'm missing.

By comparison, the Java API includes the start/end match index in the MatchResult interface. I have a feeling I'm not grokking something fundamental about Ranges in D, what am I missing?

BTW in case anyone asks, the reason I'm looking for this is to highlight the matches when displaying matching lines in the GUI.

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