On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 15:02:02 UTC, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
Hello. I just came upon a need in my program to make binary arithmetic operators valid between two real[] in my programs, and thought of writing a global opOpAssign, but then looked through the documentation, found nothing on operator overloading allowed at the global level (even within a single module), and searched through the forum and saw this thread: http://forum.dlang.org/post/jeyaozvegcnivcppu...@forum.dlang.org

Why isn't global operator overloading allowed in D?

Having to construct a class just to write a quick operator overload for two built-in types isn't a clean solution, so please don't suggest that (like it was suggested in the other thread).


Shriramana Sharma.

Is Writing a global function an option ? With UFCS it will still look correct...
And under the hood, an operator overload is a function anyway.
With string template parameter it could even display the symbol:

(not tested but you shoud get the idea)
void assignResultOf(string op, L, R)(ref L lhs, ref R rhs) {}

assignResultOf!"+"'(dest, src);

otherwise struct + alias this + member operator overload is the most obvious way to overcome the problem...but it seems you don't like this.

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