On Friday, 30 October 2015 at 10:35:03 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Interesting. Two points suggest that you should use D only for serious programming:

"cases where you want to write quick one-off scripts that need to use a bunch of different libraries not yet available in D and where it doesn't make sense to wrap or port them" - quick and dirty

"where you have many inexperienced programmers and they need to be productive very quickly." - quick and awkward

[what does this tell us about financial programming ...]

This reason is true of any other language:

"where you have a lot of code in another language (especially non C, non Python) and defining an interface is not so easy;"

In fact, the reasons you give (apart from the point about GUI) are true of C++, C#, Java etc. too. It's a bit generic. I was thinking of D specific reasons like lack of support for mobile platforms (not 100% yet). So your average stock broker couldn't calculate some bogus numbers on his iPad while having a latte and a Pelegrino in a posh cafe off Wallstreet. He he he.

GC and lack of mobile are real reasons not to use D.

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