Hi Rikki,

On Monday, 23 November 2015 at 03:57:06 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
I take it that browscap[0] does it not do what you want?
I have an generator at [1].
Feel free to steal.

This looks interesting, thanks for the hint. However it might be a bit limited, i have 15M+ different User Agents with all kind of weird cases, sometimes not even the extensive ua-core regexs work. (if you're interested for testing let me know)

Also once you do get yours working, you'll want to use ctRegex and generate a file with all of them in it. That'll increase performance significantly.

that was my plan.

Reguarding regex, if you want a named sub part use:
Where [a-z]* is just an example.

I would recommend you learning how input ranges work. They are used with how to get the matches out, e.g.

auto rgx = ctRegex!`([a-z])[123]`;
foreach(match; rgx.matchAll("b3")) {

i'm aware how this works, the problem is a different  one:

i do have a second string that contains $n's which can occur in any order. now of course i can just go and write another regex and replace it, job done. but from looking at std.regex this seems to be built in, i just failed to get it to work properly, see my gist. i hoped this to be a 1liner.

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