On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 06:34:51 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
As a little fun thing to do I implemented it for you.

It won't allocate. Making this perfect for you.
With a bit of work you could make Result have buffers for result instead of using the input array allow for the source to be an input range itself.

I made this up on dpaste and single quotes were not playing nicely there. So you'll see "\r"[0] as a workaround.

Thank you very much. I think you have exposed me to a number of new concepts that I will go through and annotate the code with. I read all input from file as follows.

string text = cast(string)std.file.read(inputfile);

</naivequestion>Does this mean that text is allocated to memory? and is there a better way to read and process the inputfile? </naivequestion>

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