On Monday, 11 April 2016 at 00:36:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

You say it happens when you try to "run" a project, but the error message sounds like it's happening before building even begins, correct? What platform are you on? What does your dub configuration look like? What does 'dub build -v' tell you?

Sorry for the delay (we are in different time zones),
I know my first post was kinda short, I did not gave enough info.
The error happens when I try to run the project.

I created the project with the dependency using this command:
" dub init allegrotest derelict-allegro5"
no errors are shown, the project is created just fine.

Then when I run the command: "dub run ", dub returns the error "Could not find a valid dependency tree configuration: "

If I run the command: "dub run --bare" dub returns this error: "Root package allegrotest contains reference to invalid package derelict-allegro5 0.0.4"

derelict-allegro5 might be the culprit... but maybe not entirely.

Whenever I ran the command: "dub build -v" it returns:
"Using dub registry url 'http://code.dlang.org/'
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)...
Looking for local package map at /var/lib/dub/packages/local-packages.json Looking for local package map at /home/pedro/.dub/packages/local-packages.json Note: Failed to determine version of package allegrotest at .. Assuming ~master.
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: false)...
Looking for local package map at /var/lib/dub/packages/local-packages.json Looking for local package map at /home/pedro/.dub/packages/local-packages.json Version selection for dependency derelict-allegro5 (derelict-allegro5) of allegrotest is missing.
Checking for missing dependencies.
Search for versions of derelict-allegro5 (1 package suppliers)
Search for versions of derelict-util (1 package suppliers)
Package derelict-allegro5 contains invalid dependency derelict-util (ci=0)
Could not find a valid dependency tree configuration: "

it is definitely derelict-allegro5's fault.

this is my (auto-generated) dub.sdl file:
« name "allegrotest"
description "A minimal D application."
copyright "Copyright © 2016, pedro"
authors "pedro"
dependency "derelict-allegro5" version="0.0.4" »

My platform is a linux-lts Antergos (basically Arch).

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