On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 12:34:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 11:21:25 UTC, Pedro Lopes wrote:
In the second paragraph I meant to say: The first library that Derelict-Allegro (not dub) looks for is called: "liballegro_image-5.0.11.so" ... I know dub has nothing to do with this at this point it already compile and linked it just couldn't execute for not finding the library.

Should be fixed now in version 0.0.6. Glad to see someone is reporting issues with this binding so I can iron out the kinks. I want to give it more attention and add support for 5.2, it's just always been low on my priority list. Please post any further issues you find at the github issue tracker [1], if you don't mind.

[1] https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictAllegro5/issues

Thank you, if I find any new bugs I will report them to the github issues,
So far I haven't found any new bugs.

I will be testing other libraries (sdl, allegro, sfml, etc) because I'm reviewing several libraries to decide which I like best.

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