Hi Everyone,

Preamble: We're a Win7+VisualStudio development environment. This question involves integrating the GitHub-based 'D-Programming-Deimos/ZeroMQ' package in a 'D' solution.

Short form of issue: If anyone has compiled a D program using (say) zmq_ctx_new(), then I'd appreciate knowing how the library-paths and such were configured. I've tried all kinds of options (and yes I've read the read the documentatio), but still have 'Error 42: Symbol undefined _zmq_socket' errors.

Explanation and long form of question:
1) The GitHub package is at 'C:\D\zeromq-master'.
2) The file 'zeromq.lib' was installed as expected within the 'C:\D\zeromq-master' directory.
3) The LIB variable has 'C:\D\zeromq-master' within it.
4) Within VisualStudio, the VisualD DMD directories' library paths has 'C:\D\zeromq-master' as its setting. 5) The command generated by VisualD, as shown on the solution's Properties' Configuration Properties' Command Line is : "$(VisualDInstallDir)pipedmd.exe" dmd -debug -IC:\D\zmq-d-0.3.0\source -IC:\D\zeromq-master -deps="$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).dep" -of"$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe" -map "$(INTDIR)\$(SAFEPROJECTNAME).map" -L/NOMAP zeromq.lib 6) I can create an OBJ file without any errors/issues, but the linking part ain't happening.

I'd appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.

  • VisualD + ZeroMQ Chuck Moore via Digitalmars-d-learn

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