Is there an equivalent in D of the C++11 std.bind template class [] ?

Here is a blog post showing different examples of its use

A possible use case is for a callback function/delegate with the expected signature bool cb(int error). I would like to pass a function bool myCb(int error, ref int myArg) instead with the variable myArg being given as predefined argument.

Here is an example.
int count = 0;

bool myCb(int error, ref int myArg)
    if (myArg >= 6)
        return false;
    return true;

void async_task(void function(int error) cb) { . . . while cb(0) . . . }

void main() {
    . . .
    async_task( ??? myCb ??? count ??? );
    . . .

In C++ we would write

async_task(std::bind(myCb, std::placeholders::_1, count));

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