On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 14:18:16 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 14:11:46 UTC, Chris wrote:
I'm updating my code to 2.071.0 at the moment. Naturally, I get a lot of warnings like

`module std.uni is not accessible here, perhaps add 'static import std.uni;'`

Will `static import` bloat my exe or simply access the members I use?

It should have no effect on generated code. The warning is to inform you that your code relied on buggy behavior which will be removed in future versions, but still currently compiles as before. Adding the static import will simply fix the reliance on the buggy behavior.

I was wondering if

`static import std.file;`

`if (exists(file))`

will only import `std.file.exists` or the whole lot of `std.file`? I want to find out what the best strategy for imports is now.

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