Dear all,

I am done :) Thanks @Kagamin, @Rene and @rikki for the help.

Short answers:
@Rene: You are right, I missed the starting of that task i.e. thread. Used before spawn() where the thread runs directly. But spawn() crashes

@rikki: Yes, I known what you mentioned ;) I just constructed a very simple and short test code on and not the full implementation of your proposal. Just the basic idea, which is great. Within my final solution, I still use your advice and reject appender but use just a simple data type instead.

@Rene: Thanks for the great idea with the destructor and the thread-local data :) I adapted that for my solution. The order of the entries does not matter for my case.

@Kagamin: It do not know why it crashes, but where: It comes from the spawn() call.

Issue analysis: My main issue was that the main() does not waited for the new thread (I used spawn() before I opened this discussion). Thus, a simple thread_joinAll(); solved that.

For the archive -- my final solution with comments:

Best regards,

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