On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 09:41:10 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

D is a problem on Fedora: dmd, gdc, and dub are not packaged. ldc is so there is that – many would argue that having ldc is much more important than dmd or gdc.

The main problem is that ldc, dmd and gdc cannot share the same runtime library yet. So the three compilers do not cohabit well in a system wide environment. The manual installation puts each compiler in their own /opt/<compiler> or /usr/local/<compiler> directory with a lot of stuffs duplicated (gdc come with its own gcc compiler, etc.). I do not known how Debian or ArchLinux deal with that, but I guess Fedora maintainers judge this situation unsustainable. The choice of ldc is probably the best one, to gather both a recent druntime and a compiler producing fast executable.

 Yes there are dmd and dub rpms but it is all very manual. There needs to be a repository for Fedora rpms as there is one for Debian debs.

Yes, that may be a good thing.
Another one would be to detach the development of phobos from dmd, and that the developer of phobos take care not to break the compatibility of the library with other compilers.


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