On Thursday, 2 June 2016 at 04:01:03 UTC, Pie? wrote:
Thanks, I'll look into it. I have tried OpenGL with simpledisplay but I cannot draw to the window. I assume other drawing methods are required?

Yeah, you have to use the OpenGL functions instead of my painter functions.

If so, I can use gamehelpers.d to do the drawing of the images?

Yeah, the OpenGlTexture class can help with it. You can construct it with a TrueColorImage (readPng gives MemoryImage which you can call .getAsTrueColorImage on to get one)

Then the OpenGlTexture has a draw method which you can call from inside the redrawOpenGlScene method. OpenGL coordinates are different than desktop, but the `create2dWindow` method in gamehelpers.d will create one with a matrix that matches out.

So the function might look like:

SimpleWindow window = create2dWindow("your title", width, height);

auto image = new OpenGlTexture(readPng(your_png_file).getAsTrueColorImage));

window.redrawOpenGlScene = {
   image.draw(x, y);


Use window.redrawOpenGlSceneNow(); in the event loop to make it redraw.

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