On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 21:06:01 UTC, Joerg Joergonson wrote:
My thinking is that CoCreateinstance is suppose to give us a pointer to the interface so we can use it, if all this stuff is crashing does that mean the interface is invalid or not being assigned properly or is there far more to it than this?

The problem is Photoshop hasn't provided an interface with methods that can be called directly. They don't exist on the interface, hence them being commented out. It's a mechanism known as late binding (everything is done at runtime rather than compile time). You need to ask the interface for the method's ID, marshal the parameters into a specific format, and then "invoke" the method using that ID.

And you're not going to like it. Here's an example just to call the "Load" method:

  // Initialize the Photoshop class instance
  IDispatch psApp;
  auto iid = IID__Application;
  auto clsid = CLSID_Application;
assert(SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(&clsid, null, CLSCTX_ALL, &iid, cast(void**)&psApp)));
  scope(exit) psApp.Release();

  // Get the ID of the Load method
  auto methodName = "Load"w.ptr;
  auto dispId = DISPID_UNKNOWN;
  iid = IID_NULL;
assert(SUCCEEDED(psApp.GetIDsOfNames(&iid, &methodName, 1, 0, &dispId)));

  // Put the parameters into the expected format
  VARIANT fileName = {
    bstrVal: SysAllocString("ps.psd"w.ptr)
  scope(exit) VariantClear(&fileName);

  DISPPARAMS params = {
    rgvarg: &fileName,
    cArgs: 1

  // Finally call the method
assert(SUCCEEDED(psApp.Invoke(dispId, &iid, 0, DISPATCH_METHOD, &params, null, null, null)));

tlb2d only outputs the late-bound methods as a hint to the user so they know the names of the methods and the expected parameters (well, it saves looking them up in OleView). Had Photoshop supplied a compile-time binding, you could have just called psApp.Load(fileName) like you tried.

It's possible to wrap that ugly mess above in less verbose code using native D types, and the Juno COM library mentioned earlier enabled that, but the code is quite ancient (and is part of and depends on a larger library). I've been slowly working on a more modern library. You'd be able to just write this:

  auto psApp = makeReference!"Photoshop.Application"();

But I don't know when it'll be ready.

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