On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 16:26:47 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 15:11:00 UTC, llaine wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm using D since a few month now and I was wondering why people don't jump onto it that much and why it isn't the "big thing" already.

Everybody is into javascript nowadays, but IMO even for doing web I found Vibe.d more interesting and efficient than node.js for example.

I agree that you have to be pragmatic and choose the right tools for the right jobs but I would be interested to have other opinion on thoses questions.

My personal opinion is that the two biggest problems are

1) it has no unique selling point (USP):

Rust - memory-safety, Go/NodeJS - web app, Python/Julia - scientific computing, R - statistics, Matlab/Mathematica/Octave - numerical programming, Haskell -
pure functional, C - kernels, controllers, embedded

While the Areas of D Usage (https://dlang.org/areas-of-d-usage.html) is just a brief overview, D can compete with all of these areas.

2) It has no big player with money behind it.
Rust (Mozilla), Go (Google), NodeJs (Joyent), ... - having dedicated resources helps a lot to let a project takeoff.

That being said it's an awesome language that can rule them all, adoption is rising slowly, but steadily & hopefully with the D Foundation being a non-profit organization real money (http://forum.dlang.org/post/qaskprdxmshpabara...@forum.dlang.org) flows in.

I personally don't think having Corp sponsorship will all of sudden bring more ppl in. I think it would be good to work on getting libraries to work with vibe might be a good way to bring interest/development. I know vibe still needs work but the overall system isn't bad but its still a hassle to use w/ a DB in some instances. I also don't believe in the "next big thing" it's hard to compete w/ something like JS and node picked up mainly because its javascript. If u want D to pick up in the web arena just start some projects and post about them... Make youtube videos or whatever. ppl aren't gonna pick it up if all they do is come to the D forums and see a ton of flame fests. Need more positive examples of the language... IDK if Rust is necessarily blowing up in usage I know Go has alot of steam but I would say that Docker may be the cause more than just saying its Google. Also what about things like Hadoop or Kafka. If D had things like this it would also pick up more traction. There is a strong community and it tends to spend too much time on the forums complaining about A or B vs. doing things to improve exposure.

Maybe more organization for community projects would be good. I'd say one thing that could be improved is organization within the community. Im not talking about D leadership but just community.

I've seen a couple jobs around trying to use Elixir w/ Elm on the front end. There are ppl out there willing to try new things...

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