On Saturday, 30 July 2016 at 01:32:50 UTC, Karabuta wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 15:11:00 UTC, llaine wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm using D since a few month now and I was wondering why people don't jump onto it that much and why it isn't the "big thing" already.

Everybody is into javascript nowadays, but IMO even for doing web I found Vibe.d more interesting and efficient than node.js for example.

I agree that you have to be pragmatic and choose the right tools for the right jobs but I would be interested to have other opinion on thoses questions.

I think we need more frameworks like vibe.d to build things with them. Currently there is not much so only a class of programmers will find the language useful.

Another thing is that the language is not marketed well enough. Someone need to handle marketing of the language, like real marketing. Most people are still unaware of D.

The best marketing possible is pre-marketing in universities. For example in the 2000's Delphi was incredibly popular in Russia because the holder at this time (so Borland unless it was already Code Gear) sold literally **hundreds** of licenses to the russian education department. This is how it became so popular in Eastern Europe, despite of not being free.

The day D will be used to teach student programmation it could get popular. Unfortunately since the students that form the main frame of workers have short formation (typically 2 years) they are taught what's really used in the industry so Java, C++ + web languages, so that they're ready to program the same shit during 10 years, until they leave and reconvert.

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