On Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 10:11:46 UTC, LaTeigne wrote:
On Saturday, 30 July 2016 at 12:24:55 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Saturday, 30 July 2016 at 12:18:08 UTC, LaTeigne wrote:

it you think that you know the things better than somebody who actually *lived* there in those times... well, keep thinking that. also, don't forget to teach physics to physicians, medicine to medics, and so on. i'm pretty sure that you will have a great success as a stupidiest comic they ever seen in their life.

also, don't bother answering me, i won't see it anyway.


Again an evidence of your super ego. You think that your own experiences stand for everybody while it's actually representing anything byt you, which is quite near from the nil.

He clearly suffers from NPD. I believe this is due to ignorance of experience. With such little real world experience one conjures up their own fabricated sense of reality that revolves around themselves. Such people lack the ability to understand others experiences and write them off because they do not coincide with their own. It's a form of the god complex, yet clearly these people are not god and generally not even that intelligent, experienced in life , etc, or happen just to be good at one thing which they treat as the only thing that matters; which is illogical and insane but very convenient for them.

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