On 16/08/2016 3:01 AM, Oleg B wrote:
In std.xml docs I read that is deprecated, and std.net.curl can be
deprecated too (not remember here I read about std.net.curl). About
std.json I read what it's has slow (de)serialization.

What I must use at this time?
vibe.data.json has evolution https://github.com/s-ludwig/std_data_json,
but, if I correctly understood, they are not compatible and I can't use
stdx.data.json in vibe.

For XML I found this project
https://github.com/lodo1995/experimental.xml. Is this really candidate
to std, or author just called it as he want?

Official GSOC project so most likely will be accepted.

As replacement of std.net.curl I found
https://github.com/ikod/dlang-requests. Who know's about this lib? Is
this good replacement of std.net.curl?

Nope, not a replacement.

Maybe if I need json and http requests I must fully use vibe for these
things? Vibe not resolve xml question =(
I want to use minimal count of dependencies...

Basically they have been there for a while, expect them be there for a long time. So unless they don't work for you, may as well use them.

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