On Wednesday, October 05, 2016 19:22:03 pineapple via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 at 18:19:27 UTC, TheGag96 wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 at 02:19:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> >
> > wrote:
> >> The problem is that static arrays aren't ranges (calling
> >> popFront on them can't work, because their length isn't
> >> mutable). However, you can slice a static array to get a
> >> dynamic array which _is_ a range. e.g.
> >>
> >> thing[].sort();
> >>
> >> Just make sure that such a dynamic array does not outlive the
> >> static array, or it will refer to invalid memory (which would
> >> not be a problem in this case).
> >>
> >> - Jonathan M Davis
> >
> > Ah thanks guys. I think I just got used to thinking arrays
> > would always be found to be ranges by the compiler. Good to
> > know!
> Would just like to point out that this is design weirdness on
> Phobos' part - the library I've been writing does not have this
> problem.

It doesn't even make conceptual sense for a static array to be a range,
because you can't remove elements from it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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