On Monday, 31 October 2016 at 11:44:25 UTC, Cleverson Casarin Uliana wrote:
Hello all, I'm trying to do two tasks which involves some type conversion, and I'm having dificulties, probably because I haven't yet understood well how such types works.

First, I wanted to convert UTF-8 strings to ansi, so it displays
correctly at the Windows command prompt. One function to do that is
"toMBSz" from std.windows.charset, which is declared as follows:
    const(char)* toMBSz(in char[] s, uint codePage = 0);

So, after some struggling, I managed to write the following code:

import std.stdio;
import std.windows.charset;
void main() {
string s = "Testando acentuação";
auto r = toMBSz (s, 1);
writeln (r[0..19]);

Although the above code works, I have an impression that it could be more elegant and concise, but don't know how to improve it...

I'd also like to play a sound file, so tried to use the function "PlaySound" from core.sys.windows.mmsystem, declared as follows: BOOL PlaySoundW(LPCWSTR, HMODULE, DWORD);

According to some error messages I receive, the first parameter is of type const(char)*, which corresponds to the sound file name, but I just can't figure out how to convert the string (or a char array) to that type... Could you please give some snippet example? The closest I
have come, which doesn't compile at all, is as follows:
import core.sys.windows.mmsystem;

void main() {
char[] f = "C:/base/portavox/som/_fon102.wav".dup;
const(wchar)* arq = cast(const(wchar)*)&f;
void* nulo;
PlaySound (arq, nulo, SND_FILENAME);

Thank you,


About your question related to "Testando acentuação", and assuming you're using Windows, you can also do the following:

import std.stdio, std.string;

//A Windows function to set the code page of the console output
extern (Windows): private int SetConsoleOutputCP(uint codepage);

void main()
    string s = "Testando acentuação";
    writeln("Output: ", s.toUpper());


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