On Friday, 18 November 2016 at 17:54:52 UTC, Igor Shirkalin wrote:
The simpler - the better.
After reading "D p.l." by A.Alexandrescu two years ago I have found my past dream. It's theory to start with. That book should be read at least two times especially if you have asm/c/c++/python3/math/physics background, and dealt with Watcom/Symantec C/C++ compilers (best to Walter Bright) with very high optimization goal. No stupid questions, just doing things.
That was preface.
Now I have server written in D for C++ pretty ancient client. Most things are three times shorter in size and clear (@clear? suffix). All programming paradigms were used. I have the same text in russian, but who has bothered russian(s)? The meaning of all of that is: powerfull attractive language with sufficient infrastructure with future. Just use it.


My English is Bad than yours.

I am mot russian(s)、、、I am Chinese.

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