Hello all,

I'm trying to make this work:

pure string[string] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
        import std.csv;
        import std.typecons;
        string[string] result;
        foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
                result[record[0]] = record[1];
        return result;

immutable string[string] dataLookup = parseTwoColumnCsv(import("some_data.csv"));

void main()
        import std.stdio;
        writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

But (with DMD 2.073.1) I am getting this error:
main.d(14): Error: non-constant expression [['a', 'b', 'c']:['x', 'y', 'z'], ['1', '2', '3']:['4', '5', '6']]

The case with normal (non-associative) arrays seems to work fine, but is not what I needed:

pure string[][] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
        import std.csv;
        import std.typecons;
        string[][] result;
        foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
                result ~= [record[0],record[1]];
        return result;

immutable string[][] dataLookup = parseTwoColumnCsv(import("some_data.csv"));

void main()
        import std.stdio;
        writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

Any idea how I can get this working?

I have tried a couple other things, like having the parseTwoColumnCsv function return an immutable string[string] and casting 'result' to that in the return statement, and I also tried just casting the value returned from parseTwoColumnCsv as it appears in the declaration of 'dataLookup'. I tried std.exception's assumeUnique, but the function/template signature doesn't seem to support associative arrays.


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