On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 22:34:57 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
In this case the AA isn't actually coded into the executable; but at least the configuration from some_data.csv will be in the executable as a string. The program will construct the AA at startup. It's not as "cool", but it should get the job done.

I have a partial static AA implementation that seems like it works, I mentioned this in a different thread.


Try it out, etc.

Create your AA as an enum (for simplicity)

StaticAA!(KeyType, ValueType, getAALen(EnumAssosiativeArray), EnumAssosiativeArray.length)(EnumAssosiativeArray);

Afterwards use it as you normally would for the same thing.

Unittest example:

enum AA = ["one":1, "two":2, "three":3, "four":4, "five":5, "six":6, "seven":7, "eight":8, "nine":9, "zero":0];
auto SAA = StaticAA!(string, int, getAALen(AA), AA.length)(AA);

  //just verifies the keys/values match.
  foreach(k, v; AA) {
    assert(SAA[k] == v);

Note: getAALen basically tests the array expanding it out until none of the hashes overlap or causes problems. Trying to compile these into a single call I've had issues, so if anyone has a better solution I'd go for it.

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