On Thursday, 2 March 2017 at 01:02:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Wednesday, 1 March 2017 at 16:12:06 UTC, bauss wrote:

There is a better binding.


You can find it here: http://dsfml.com/

DSFML technically is not a binding (even though it says such on the web site). It's a wrapper that D-ifies the SFML API. The SFML functions are not callable directly, as they are all declared privately. DerelictSFML is strictly a binding, with no attempt to wrap anything. A wrapper like DSFML could be implemented on top of DerelictSFML.

So yes, it's better if what you really want is a wrapper.

Ah yes, I think you explain the difference between wrapper/binding in one of the Derelict docs.

I'm currently working through a ebook on Game Dev with SFML...the examples are all C++. I don't have any trouble translating it to the equivalent C bindings (so far anyway), but perhaps in the long run using dsfml will be easier (for example, I found using Iup4d easier than the straight C Iup bindings).

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