data pulverizer wrote:
If I change the implementation of the second template to your above
declaration, I get the error:
max.max called with argument types (const(double)*, const(double)*)
matches both:
max.d(34): max.max!(const(double)*).max(const(double)* x,
const(double)* y)
max.d(42): max.max!double.max(const(double)* x, const(double)* y)
I need at least those two implementation for the different cases, a
general "default", and for specified types and type qualifications.
'cause your templates are for different types, so they both matches. i
wrote only about type deconstruction. the following will work:
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits : Unqual;
auto max(T)(T* x, T* y) if (is(T == Unqual!T)) {
writeln("General template");
return *x > *y ? x : y;
auto max(T)(T* x, T* y) if (is(T == const)) {
writeln("Const template");
return *x > *y ? x : y;
void main () {
const double p = 2.4, q = 3;
writeln(max(&p, &q));
note the change in the first template.