On 04/25/2017 11:28 AM, ParticlePeter wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25 April 2017 at 16:27:43 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

>> with pragma(inline, true), the function body should be injected at the
>> call sites.
> This would not help I fear, the body of the function pointer is unknown
> in an external lib. I rather hoped that the compiler "sees" the
> parameter forwarding to the fp and is able to directly call it. Best
> thing would be for both overloads, but I would not know how to verify this.

pragma(inline, true) works because all you need inlined in this case is the body of bar(int, float). The compiler does call the function pointer directly.

import std.stdio;

struct Foo1
    private void function(int,float) _bar;
    void bar(float f) {
        pragma(inline, true);
        writefln("Called with %s", f);
    void bar(int i, float f) {
        pragma(inline, true);

void func(int i, float f) {
    writefln("Called with %s and %s", i, f);

void main() {
    auto f = Foo1(&func);
    f.bar(42, 2.5);

Compile with -inline (and perhaps with -O):

  dmd -inline deneme.d

Generate the disassembly with obj2asm that comes with dmd (or with any other disassembly tool):

  obj2asm deneme.o > deneme.asm

You can open deneme.asm in an editor and search for function "_Dmain:" in it. Here is what my dmd 2.074 produced:

                push    RBP
                mov     RBP,RSP
                sub     RSP,010h
                mov     RAX,_D6deneme4funcFifZv@GOTPCREL[RIP]
                mov     -010h[RBP],RAX
                movss   XMM0,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
                movss   -8[RBP],XMM0
                lea     RDX,_TMP0@PC32[RIP]
                mov     EDI,0Eh
                mov     RSI,RDX
                movss   XMM0,-8[RBP]
                mov     EAX,02Ah
                movss   XMM1,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
                movss   -4[RBP],XMM1
                mov     RDI,RAX
                movss   XMM0,-4[RBP]
                call    qword ptr -010h[RBP]
                xor     EAX,EAX
                add     [RAX],AL
.text._Dmain    ends

The call to jumbled writefln() is a direct call inside func():


So, you're good... :)


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