On 04/25/2017 11:54 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> _Dmain:
>         push    RBP
>         mov    RBP,RSP
>         sub    RSP,010h
>         mov    RAX,_D6deneme4funcFifZv@GOTPCREL[RIP]
>         mov    -010h[RBP],RAX
>         movss    XMM0,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
>         movss    -8[RBP],XMM0
>         lea    RDX,_TMP0@PC32[RIP]
>         mov    EDI,0Eh
>         mov    RSI,RDX
>         movss    XMM0,-8[RBP]
>         call      _D3std5stdio17__T8writeflnTaTfZ8writeflnFNfxAafZv@PLT32
>         mov    EAX,02Ah
>         movss    XMM1,FLAT:.rodata[00h][RIP]
>         movss    -4[RBP],XMM1
>         mov    RDI,RAX
>         movss    XMM0,-4[RBP]
>         call    qword ptr -010h[RBP]
>         xor    EAX,EAX
>         leave
>         ret
>         add    [RAX],AL
> .text._Dmain    ends
> The call to jumbled writefln() is a direct call inside func():
>         call      _D3std5stdio17__T8writeflnTaTfZ8writeflnFNfxAafZv@PLT32

My analysis is wrong because that writefln() is for the bar(float) overload but I still think what you want is achieved.


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