On Wednesday, 26 April 2017 at 17:06:52 UTC, krylon wrote:
I looked at the DUB package registry and asked Google quite a bit now, but I did not found such a package for D. So my first question is - did I not look hard enough? I found a reimplentation of QDBM [1] (the spiritual ancestor of Tokyocabinet), but it does not seem to handle concurrency at all. Are there other options along those lines? (If there was one that also provides transactions, that would be awesome!)

If I understand what I have read so far correctly, it is possible to access libraries written in C or C++ from D - in that case, I could just use Tokyocabinet directly, but I have not found any pointers on how to do this. Is this a feasible option, and if so, where can I find documentation on how to do this?

i recommend leveldb
its easy to use and mostly faster than tokyocabinet ( only very specifically tuned tokyo btrees outperform leveldb)

i used above library with great success. it also shows you how to do c bindings.

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