On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 17:48:50 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
I think you should make a binding for your DLL file. On the
other hand I successfully set up a static library and an application in the same solution (now it has 2 apps, one is my map editor and file converter, the other is a window layout editor, going to add a third one for testing other functions later on) by adding the engine's sources and library files to the app.

What exactly do mean by "binding"?

If I understand the rest you are saying that I could just use "Add existing item" to add the dllproj.d file to EXEProject as well, but that would cause all of the code from it to be linked in the EXE and I only want that code in the DLL.

I should also mention that I don't want to statically bind to DLL using a lib file because I want to be able to reload the DLL while the application is running.

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