I am developing a D app and I have a need to test things out. I do not want to have to recompile the app every time I want to test some functionality out.

Suppose I have an app with some functions like foo, bar, etc... in some module m.

I would like to be able to do basic stuff like



auto x = m.bar() + 3;


This way I can write the functions, compile, then test them out without compiling.



which turns on the 34th light in the house, then


which turns it off. This should take about 1-2 seconds to test RATHER than about 1m to do the compilation, running, etc.

Having a history buffer would be nice too and even a debugger showing the basic state(nothing fancy).

Anything like this out there. Lua has things like this that are very nice to do because they allow for quick testing and prototyping.

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