On 7/20/17 11:10 AM, Aldo wrote:
On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 14:59:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 7/20/17 10:38 AM, Aldo wrote:

im tring to add nothrow keyword in my code, but compilation fails :

function 'object.opEquals' is not nothrow

its a simple comparison between 2 objects. How to make opEquals nothrow ?

You can't. Object.opEquals is not nothrow, so object.opEquals is not nothrow (note the former is the virtual member function, the latter is a global function which is what the compiler actually calls).

It is a legacy limitation. Until we get rid of all the Object base methods for things like opEquals and toHash, we will not be able to fix this.

Im using DerelictGLFW3, to process events im doing this :

glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, &onMouseClick);

onMouseClick function must be nothrow.

But now I can't do anything in this function because I can't convert my code to nothrow.

Can I put a try catch in the body ?


extern(C) nothrow
     void onMouseClick(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int d)
            // my code


it seems its working but what about performances ?

As long as you don't have any code that throws, it should be pretty close to optimal.


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