On 7/21/17 10:21 AM, Timoses wrote:
I'd love to check whether a string value is the name of a type at run-time.


string a = "int";
string b = "im no type";
assert( isStringType(a) );
assert( !isStringType(b) );


struct TestStruct
     int test;

string t = "TestStruct";
assert( isStringType(t) );

Is anything like this possible?

The goal is to identify whether a string represents a custom type within a package. I'm also trying to iterate over all modules within the package to get the struct name. However, that seems like a struggle...

Any ideas?..

In order to do this, the list of types must be stored somewhere to compare with at runtime.

At this time, this is not done. You could potentially do this with the RTInfo template, but it would have to be part of a custom druntime.


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