On 07/31/2017 11:44 AM, Arafel wrote:
class C {
     template baz(string S) {
         void baz()() {

void main() {
     void delegate() aBaz = &c.baz!"a"; // This doesn't compile.

If I try &c.baz!"a".baz it doesn't work either (I get a different error message.

Do you know if this works (and if so, what should I do), or if it's supposed to?

You'd have to instantiate the inner template, too. Something like `&c.baz!"a".baz!()`, but that doesn't work. I don't know how you could make it work.

Of course in this case I don't need to use an eponymous template at all, bit it's just a simplification to try to get everything else out of the way...

In case anyone is interested, the real case is something more like this:

class C {
     template baz(args...) if (someCondition!args) {
         void baz(this T) {

(Assuming the inner baz is supposed to be `void baz(this T)() {}`.)

You'd still have to instantiate the inner baz in order to get a delegate of it. But even if we figured out how to do that, my guess is you don't want to specify `this T` explicitly.

So how about a function literal:

    void delegate() aBaz = () => c.baz!(int, float)();

As far as I know, that's the only way to combine a "this" template parameter with variadic template parameters.

That's right if you want to pass `args` explicitly, but `this` implicitly. If specifying `args` via IFTI is an option, then this works, too:

class C {
    void baz(this T, args...)(args) {}

void main() {
    C c = new C();
    void delegate() aBaz = () => c.baz(1, 2.3, "four");

A function literal again, because you have to call baz in order to instantiate it (or you have specify `this T` and `args` explicitly). But you can't get a delegate from a call.

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