On 07/31/2017 12:14 PM, ag0aep6g wrote:

> You'd have to instantiate the inner template, too. Something like
> `&c.baz!"a".baz!()`, but that doesn't work. I don't know how you could
> make it work.
I tried this as well, and couldn't make it work either. Do you know if it's supposed to work? I mean, do the spec mention this?

The funny part is that id does work with nested, non-eponymous templates:

class A {
        template foo(string S) {
                void bar()() {
                        import std.stdio;
                        writeln ("I'm bar");
                void baz(this T)() {
                        import std.stdio;
                        writeln ("I'm baz at class ", typeid(T));

class B : A {

void main() {
        A a = new A();
        B b = new B();
        void delegate() aBar = &a.foo!("a").bar!(); aBar();
        void delegate() aBaz = &a.foo!("a").baz!(typeof (a)); aBaz();
        void delegate() bBaz = &b.foo!("a").baz!(typeof (b)); bBaz();

OK, not directly with the "this" parameter... those you have to include explicitly. However, this seems to be an unrelated problem: the "this T" parameter seems to be only automatically deducted during function calls. Even this doesn't work:

class A {
        template foo(this T) {
                void bar() {
                        import std.stdio;

void main() {
        A a = new A();

But I think that's a completely separate issue (would that be a bug, btw?) It's of course a trivial issue here, but it's just an example.

What use is it to allow "this T" parameters in raw template declarations if they are not going to be automatically filled?

> (Assuming the inner baz is supposed to be `void baz(this T)() {}`.)
Sure :-)

> You'd still have to instantiate the inner baz in order to get a delegate
> of it. But even if we figured out how to do that, my guess is you don't
> want to specify `this T` explicitly.
> So how about a function literal:
>      void delegate() aBaz = () => c.baz!(int, float)();
Yeah, that's the solution I was thinking about, but I don't know how much of a performance hit the extra function call would be... would the function literal extra indirection layer be eventually optimised out?

> That's right if you want to pass `args` explicitly, but `this`
> implicitly. If specifying `args` via IFTI is an option, then this works,
> too:
> ----
> class C {
>      void baz(this T, args...)(args) {}
> }
> void main() {
>      C c = new C();
>      void delegate() aBaz = () => c.baz(1, 2.3, "four");
> }
> ----
> A function literal again, because you have to call baz in order to
> instantiate it (or you have specify `this T` and `args` explicitly). But
> you can't get a delegate from a call.
This wouldn't work in my case because the arguments ("args") are string themselves, so the function call needs to look like:


and not:


The reasons for that are a bit more complex, but let's say that in this case I need the strings to be in the template parameters, I use those strings to create an AliasSeq of values of different types that is then sent to a "proper" variadic templated function.

Off topic, if anyone knows how to create a va_list dynamically, that would save me a lot of problems!!

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