On 01-09-17 10:01, Suliman wrote:
I got same problem on Windows Server 2016 and on Linux Debian 8.5.
I have few very simple backend based on vibed 0.8.1, compiler dmd 2.075.1.

nginx servise is do port forwarding. Nothing more is used.

After several days of working I am begining to get "502 Bad Gateway" error. The service is not down, it's continue to working, but on Windows task manager I seen very low memory usage (0.4MB) and on Linux I see next: https://snag.gy/ban3jX.jpg (i am not familiar with Linux and do not sure if process is alive or not because htop do not show it)

The code is *very* simple https://github.com/bubnenkoff/dlang.ru

Is there any ideas how to diagnostic the problem?

For the linux screenshot ps also includes the grep process you are pipping the ps output to. So your vibe.d instance isn't running.

Are you running an release build? If so you might get a better idea of whats going on when using a plain or debug build.

Mike Wey

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