On 09/02/2017 10:07 AM, lithium iodate wrote:

>> Lazy version, which the user can easily generate a string from by
>> appending .array:
>> import std.stdio;
>> auto hexString(R)(R input) {
>>     import std.conv : text;
>>     import std.string : format;
>>     import std.algorithm : map, joiner;
>>     return input.map!(c => format("%02x", c)).joiner;
>> }
>> void main() {
>>     writeln("AAA".hexString);
>> }
>> To generate string:
>>     import std.range : array;
>>     writeln("AAA".hexString.array);
>> Ali
> Please correct my if i'm wrong, but it think this has issues regarding
> unicode.
> "ö…" becomes "f62026", which, interpreted as UTF-8, is a control
> character ~ " &", so you either need to add padding or use ..byCodeUnit
> so it becomes "c3b6e280a6" (correct UTF-8) instead.

You're right but I think there is no intention of interpreting the result as UTF-8. "f62026" is just to be used as "f62026", which can be converted byte-by-byte back to "ö…". That's how understand the requirement anyway.


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