On 09/08/2017 07:48 AM, Vino.B wrote:

> if
> std.container.array.RangeT(A) is deprecated

No, it's not deprecated. It's a private symbol of the std.container.array module. You shouldn't be able to use it at all. The fact that you are able to use it is due to a bug fix, which hasn't been fully activated yet. The bug is fixed but the compiler is still letting you use the symbol until the bug is effective in some future date.

In summary, you should not refer to RangeT in your code at all. Use auto return types if you have to but I'm happy to see that you've solved the remaining issues.

>                 subdirTotalGB = (subdirTotal/1024/1024); { Subdir ~= d;

That should be MB, right? Kilo, mega, giga, etc.


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