On Tuesday, 12 September 2017 at 19:59:52 UTC, Joseph wrote:
The compiler shouldn't arbitrarily force one to make arbitrary decisions that waste time and money.

Like having a type system? Having to do *cast(int*)&s to interpret a string as an int isn't strictly necessary, and wastes dev time when they have to type extra letters.

Throwing an exception when there are import cycles that may cause problems is absolutely the correct thing to do. It's a choice between hard-to-figure-out errors that may depend on the order in which files were passed to the linker, and getting an exception before you've even started running your tests. If we could get this message at compile-time, that would of course be better, but that cannot be done in the general case due to separate compilation. If you want such a message in the cases where it is possible, feel free to create a pull request.

It would be possible to add a way to say 'ignore cycles for this module ctor', but as has been pointed out, cycles are generally a symptom of poor architecture, are brittle, and can almost always be avoided (and when they can't, there's a way around that too).


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