On Tuesday, 10 October 2017 at 02:58:45 UTC, Mr. Jonse wrote:
I need to store a hetrogeneous array of delegates. How can I do this but still call the function with the appropriate number of parameters at run time?

I have the parameters as Variant[] params and a function/delegate pointer(void* for now).

Normally I'd push the parameters on the stack and use a call, but I'm sure D has some ability to do this, like apply(foo, args) would be the same as foo(args[0], ..., args[1]).

I'm not concerned about type correctness, it should always be consistent between what I call and what is stored.


Like so?

import std.variant;

void foo(int a, string b, float c) {
    import std.stdio;
    writefln("a = %s, b = %s, c = %s", a, b, c);

auto apply(alias fn)(Variant[] values) {
    import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple;
    import std.conv : emplace;
    alias Types = ParameterTypeTuple!fn;
    assert(values.length == Types.length);
    Types args = void;
    foreach(i, ref arg; args) {
// using emplace instead of assignment here to be fully correct
        emplace!(typeof(arg))(&arg, values[i].get!(typeof(arg)));
    return fn(args);

void main() {
Variant[] values = [Variant(1), Variant("Hello world"), Variant(3.14159f)];

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